Wednesday 8 March 2017

JOHN CENA new style

Good security is hard to find. Just ask the McMahons after last night. The plainclothes officers Stephanie corralled to force Reigns out of the building as comeuppance for putting his hands on dear papa wound up bullying she and Vince around instead. But hey, this is Brooklyn – they don't take no guff. Or at least that's what I inferred from one hell of an incoherent (and uncomfortable) opening segment. Still, this points to only one solution: The return of everyone's favorite pint-sized, earpiece-accessorized dynamic body-guarding do, J&J. They could even arrive via FedEx at next week 's Raw as a belated holiday gift from Seth Rollins to his bosses. Plus, Jamie Noble's from West Virginia, which is kind of like another country, so he could even pull double duty for League of Nations.

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