Wednesday 8 March 2017


And speaking of, John Cena returned to help seduce some more eyeballs, the Wyatt Family and Dudley Boyz were among those who pulled a Leftovers and, poof, disappeared from sight, and the League of Nations kept doing whatever it is they do to further their quest for world domination. Or something like that.
It was a tough night for the McMahon clan. Roman Reigns pushed Vince around, some cops threatened Stephanie and Vince laid his hands 'em and got cuffed and booked. And as one final indignity, VKM was apparently being detained at a  But the Chairman would have his revenge in the end, returning to restore order amid the main-event fallout and demanding the champ put his title on the line against Sheamus next Monday – with none other than Vince himself as guest referee. Ratings!

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